Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Steps to Healing

Doctor and Nurse Bears

Image by Enokson via Flickr

Sometimes in life we suffer. I am amazed how God directs our path through it. In 2007 and 2008 I suffered from some medical issues. Pain caused me to go on a journey of many doctors.

The first doctor diagnosed an ovarian cyst, but said that was not causing my pain. He said these cysts are usually only detected when looking for something else. (I feel blessed that it was found. God used that pain to help me. )

He sent me to Dr. #2 who said the cyst was there but was in no hurry to remove it. Months later, while at Dr. #3 for a different issue, I asked for another ultrasound. This confirmed the cyst had grown tremendously. I know God prompted me to ask for that ultrasound. Dr. #3 recommended Dr. K, but her staff set an appointment for me with Dr. #4.

Dr. #4 scheduled my surgery. About two weeks before my surgery I was praying. I got a mental picture of myself on the gurney before the operation praying for my surgeon and operating team. Between that time and the surgery, I prayed for them as I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit.

The morning of the surgery is a bit of a blur. I remember the anesthesiologist putting in the IV and giving me something to make me drowsy before the surgery. After the surgery I remember trying to wake up and going home.

Two weeks later I went to Dr. #4 for my check up. The first thing she said when she came into the room was, your prayer worked.  “What? I know I wanted to pray, but I have no memory of doing so.” was my response.  She told me the medicine took away my memory. And that as soon as I got into the operating room I asked if we could pray before the surgery. The surgical team came around me and I prayed. She was glad that I prayed because the surgery was much more difficult than anticipated. Though she prays before every surgery, she really appreciated my prayer.

When she began speaking about the prayer, the vision of praying for the surgical team  flooded my brain and I was overwhelmed with God’s faithfulness. Her testimony showed me that even when I was unaware, God allowed me to help someone else and by doing that He healed me.

This episode in my life showed me how God orders our steps. It was frustrating going from doctor to doctor and getting no help, but God was leading me all the time to just the right doctor. Then He allowed me to not just be the patient, but also the covering for the surgical team. God is faithful to us no matter what the circumstance. Even when we are at our weakest most dependent moments, He can use us to bless others. And as we bless others we are blessed.

Enjoy your week. I’ll be back next week with more.

Comments on: "Steps to Healing" (2)

  1. Kathy Cagle said:

    Kitty, I remember that time of suffering for you. What a testimony! I am so glad you are getting this story out. I am sharing it in my class on faith and miracles tomorrow!


  2. Thanks Kathy.


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