Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Posts tagged ‘deer’

More Walls and Critters

We are getting some more walls up this weekend. Bob had a busy week with a trip to Texas to pick up screens, two eye doctor appointments, meeting with some HVAC people and other miscellaneous things. So, Friday was the first time he was able to work on the house. On Saturday we managed to finish the guest bath walls. They still need some blocking, but they are up and attached to the trusses and floor. He is waiting for some information from HVAC before he can finish the final interior walls.

I spent a little time removing the birds’ nests that were erected in the house and not occupied by any birds. That was fun. Cleaning up jobsites has always been my specialty and Saturday I did all I could do in that respect. We are going to have to get the house empty of stuff once all the walls are in so we can have it treated for pests. There is a long way to go yet before we can move in, but every little step makes me happy.

We spent some time Sunday, before it got too hot, working in the yard. Bob dug up his potato plants since the deer ate all the leaves off and what he found was interesting. There were two very small potatoes, but he also found what we believe to be several snake eggs. He had seen a snake go into that pile of mulch a while back, so it didn’t totally surprise him.

It seems more deer are coming back into our area. There is one that has become rather friendly with our neighbor’s dog which we when we went out for a walk with Coco on Friday evening she allowed us to get real close before she went into the woods and watched us walk. I got her picture.

Wildlife, wildflowers, a diverse variety of plants and animals is why I love this area so much. The land is not perfect, but the nature that I get to live near is awesome. I am reminded of why we came here in the first place when I spend time outside enjoying nature. I hope that you will have time to spend in nature and enjoy every bit of God’s creation. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.

Hiding Right in Front of Us

Hidden deer

Bob and I took a trip to see our son and grandkids last week. When we arrived our son was working so we had some time to kill and went to the state park to walked some trails. It was wonderful. The picture above actually has at least 6 deer in it. They were hidden among the downed trees. I was amazed how hard they were to find in person and when I took the picture I couldn’t see them at all, can you?

The wonders of this world are all around us but we often miss them. If we were walking faster and not looking we would have never seen them. We would have missed the opportunity to experience all of the deer just laying there and resting not worried about us standing so close to them.

Life gets too hurried and busy most of the time to notice what is right in front of our eyes. On Friday we got to experience watching our grandson play football and score 6 extra points. His kick-offs were good too. It was awesome. The game was exciting!

Then on Saturday we watched our granddaughter at a cheer exhibition. She did wonderfully. Then later that day my granddaughter and I baked a strawberry cream roll. We also made homemade pizza. It was great to have experiences with them. We live too far away to see them much. This year we decided would be the year to visit and reconnect.

Having time to spend with our son and his family was awesome. We were blessed. And if that wasn’t enough blessing Bob decided that on our way home we would visit a rock shop. I didn’t expect much but it turned out to be another highlight of the trip. We got to go on top of a mountain and pick up crystals and granite and other beautiful rocks. We came home with some rocks that we will probably find a way to use in our house.

Then there was the scenery. The beautiful mountains and lakes and roads that had many curves. Bob loves to drive those roads and it made for a relaxing time on the road. The road to the mining area was a great challenge and we were happy we had a 4wd truck. It also helped with hauling all those rocks out.

The wonders of this world are all around us. Sometimes it is better to take time and drive the long way to see the sights and enjoy the scenery. It was a long trip for us but well worth the time we took to enjoy family and this wonderful country we live in. I hope that you will be able to take time and see family and enjoy the long way. I will be back with more.

Save the Lilies

On Monday the fill is being delivered to create the pad that the concrete will be poured on for the house. In that process the driver came by and looked over the area and told Bob what needed to happen before he could drive his semi truck and trailer onto the property to get it to the build site. He said that he would have to drive over our lilies and that we might want to move them or they might die. I have had plans for putting flower beds and stuff in the yard but all that has to wait until we are done with all the construction and deconstruction.

So Saturday morning I decided that I would tackle digging up the lilies and then figuring out what to do with them. Now the lilies were just one of several different plants that were on the property when we bought it. Because we have moved fences and changed so many things the plants sometimes get in the way and I like to save what I can. So I forged ahead and dug up the lilies and put them into a box until I could figure out where to put them. These lilies had grown up in a cluster and some of them got damaged when I dug them, but as long as I can save some I will be happy.

So after thinking for a while and realizing that I would need a temporary home for them because of construction, I started by putting a few of the into the largest pot I had, that was not big enough. As I talked to Bob about the problem he suggested that we use one of the old bathtubs that we have on the property. Since I love to repurpose that sounded like a great idea to me. The next issue was finding a place that it would not be in the way and would have the correct lighting for them. They seemed to thrive where they had been but that was in the way.

Now even though they had thrived, they did not currently look their best because the deer love to eat their leaves and all the grasshoppers also like them. So their sorry appearance was all due to predators wanting a salad. We decided on a place for them and this morning we loaded the bathtub and some 4×4’s up and brought them to the new site. We filled the tub with dirt, knowing that the tub drain would help with water drainage, then I planted the good ones in the tub leaving one in the large pot I had planted it in the day before.

Now that they are watered down and ready to grow, lets hope that they survive for many more years. Sometimes things are in the way of progress but they can be replanted and restored if we put the time and effort to help them. It is the same with people, sometimes they might seem to be in the way but truthfully they just need someone to help them find a better place to be so they can thrive. I know that God looks after us and carefully places us where we need to be when we allow Him to direct us. I am praying that my lilies grow and multiply and I pray that my family and friends continue to grow in God’s love and forgiveness and prosper in all the necessary ways.

Enjoy you week and I will be back with more.

Painful Progress

It is amazing how painful it can be to make progress. Speaking physically digging into a pile of dirt and then shoveling it into some big holes can really make your muscles ache. Bob has been working on a fence line removal this week and it has caused him some extra pain and today I decided to help him a little. I managed to move three loads of dirt in my little wagon from a large dirt pile and fill in most of the holes. After a couple hours of digging and filling I was pretty sore and had to stop for the day. We did manage to get most of the mess from the fence coming out cleaned up, so that is progresss.

Tearing down fences that have held you back from seeing the beauty in life is a good thing to do. Now that our physical fence is down we can see an unobstructed view of the land. The hope is that when we get our house built this will be the view from our front porch. Spiritually tearing down fences that keep us from being close to others helps us see the world without obstructions. It helps us walk the right way without having to stop because we can’t jump the fence. That is one thing I like about deer, they are not contained by fences, they gracefully jump right over them. I prefer to tear the fences down, because I can’t jump like a deer.

Anytime there are changes in our lives it seems to cause pain one way or another. Some changes cause people to put up fences and may decide that you can go this far and no further. Your relationship is hindered from complete openness by a boundary that you can see over and still communicate but it is guarded. I remember when Bob and I made a commitment to follow Jesus in a way that was different from people around us, our decisions were questioned. Our lives were changed in an instant. There were people who were not happy with these changes and that caused painful grief. We had to learn how to stand by what we believed. That is not an easy thing when those around you do not agree with you. It can be very painful. We found as time went by some of those people began to see that the changes were good and eventually they accepted my decision. I am not sure all the fences have been taken down, but they at least have gates now. Living what you believe and understand to be truth is the only way to live.

Our property is looking better every week and will soon have more changes. I appreciate Bob’s tireless hard work. Remember not to put up fences that take you away from God’s work and His love. Lets all live life without fences that stop us from loving fully those God has asked us to love. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.

Harvest of Blessings

This week has been a whirlwind. I was blessed to be able to take time to help my neighbors with their yard sale preparations Monday and Tuesday and then with the sale itself on Wednesday and Thursday. It was great to feel useful and know that I could help. Bob was even able to help out too. We were blessed with the time to spend with our neighbors and to get a few items that we could use. It always blesses us to be able to bless others. This was the beginning of true blessings this week.

Friday after a full day of laundry and other work around the house I got a call that I have been hoping to receive for a long time. I have to back this timeline up a little to explain. On Tuesday I found a job online that I applied for immediately because office jobs are hard to find in this area. Later that day I got a call and set up an interview for Thursday. The interview went really well but I was not thinking that I would hear from them for a week or longer, but Friday afternoon I got the call that I did not get the job that I applied for, but they wanted me for another job that they thought I was a really got fit for. I said yes and now am just waiting on them for a timeline to start working. This was a true blessing.

Saturday Bob and I were walking around our northern property line and as I walked I was looking down making sure I did not step on any snakes. What I found made me look up and search the trees. It was the smallest pecan and it was still mostly in its green shell when I picked it up. Looking up and around I then found the tree I believe it came from. Upon further examination I think I found two other pecan trees in the same area. Time will tell, it is really hard to tell sometimes when there are no pecans to confirm it. This year with all the dry weather pecans are few so even finding one pecan this year is amazing. This discovery came after years of trying to find even a single pecan tree on our land. This was another blessing.

Sunday Bob and I were again in the same area of our homestead as the pecan trees and we had a wonderful experience. We were putting out a little feed corn in close to where we have a game camera set up when a deer approached. Bob told me to back up and stand really still near the tree, so I did what he said and got my phone out. I got two videos and some really close pictures in the next 10 to 15 minutes while we stood there as the deer watched us and got closer and closer to us to eat the corn. At some point another deer appeared further into the woods watching us and the first deer. The second deer wasn’t nearly as bold and stayed back in the woods never getting very close. Bob even coughed one time and it did not scare the deer away. It was an amazing experience to be in the woods and so close to these beautiful creatures. This was another true blessing.

God is faithful and if we open our eyes to Him we will see the blessings all around us. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.

Love For Trees

As I walk around our property I see many trees that have been overtaken by vines. I am dedicating as much time as I can to removing these tree killing vines from my beautiful trees. To me every tree has a story to tell and I want them to live on and tell their stories.

I first got my love for trees during my childhood. There was a very old elm tree in the cemetery next to my home. My mother told me that the tree had seen so much of the history of the area and she wanted to make sure it stayed alive for many more years. It was a landmark and was put on the landmark register so no one could take it down. But in the end it got dutch elm disease and now all that is left is a stump. I don’t remember exactly how old it was but I believe it was around 300 to 350 years old in the 70’s.

That tree lived through the time before Europeans came to this area of the country and into more modern times. Many lives came and went and the tree lived on. Trees have many benefits, Including the fact that roots from them go deep and wide to help hold the soil together. But more than that they become markers and guides for travelers and locals for generations.

Wildlife navigate through the myriad of trees in the woods and mark their trails by the landmarks. Trees are important and vital to the health of the earth. I feel a real duty to improve the health of the trees on our land, if at all possible.

I found the remains of a pear tree that was overcome by vines and other trees but still bearing fruit. I will do all I can to save it. I know that deer like pears and figure they will probably be the ones to eat them, but that is ok because I love the deer too.

Out of the ground the God caused every tree to grow that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:9 NASB

Take time to enjoy the trees around you. I will be back with more.

Birds, Deer and Ditches

Perseverance is the word that comes to mind. There are many trials in setting up a new home on property that has to have all the sewer, water and electric replaced. So far my biggest take on this adventure is that my body does not like navigating and digging ditches. Today I am staying inside mostly, trying to heal from digging and navigating the ditches for the last two weeks. Unfortunately we are not done, but Bob is still working. Between the ditches and the heat it has been a real challenge.

But there is good news. We have AC now and managed to bring the air mattress into the home so for almost a week we have been living in the home. We still don’t have the water quality all figured out yet and as a result of that have not connected it to the house. So we are buying water to drink and getting water to wash from the neighbors (including showering at the neighbor’s house) and using water from the well for flushing the toilet. It is not exactly a pioneering life but it is as close as I want to come for now. There are still many challenges ahead to have the basics of what is considered a fully functioning home these days.

We are still working on the government essentials such as drivers licenses, but have managed to get vehicles registered, new bank accounts, new insurance–pioneers did not have to have all these technical things, including internet–which we should have in the next week or two but for now we are borrowing access from the neighbors as needed.

On the fun side I now know what type of noises buzzards make there is a pair of buzzards that have a nest in a dilapidated trailer on our property. They like to fly around and make noises then perch on a telephone pole or in a tree and watch us work. Bob and I joke around about not smelling that bad that we should attract the buzzards. We have also seen a young hawk flying majestically on the property. There are many cardinals and other birds and I hope to learn what they all are as time goes on. It is wonderful to see these birds flying around and taking refuge in the trees.

The deer are finding interesting places to lie down a rest. Bob dug out some holes in the lower field by our containers and we have seen deer laying down by one of those holes twice now. When we approach hey just look at us for a while and get up and move on if we get too close. Mostly the deer just notice us and keep eating or resting without moving. It is breath taking that God has given us so much wildlife to learn about, help and enjoy. It makes the ditch digging and pain worth it.

Enjoy your life and may God’s blessings be on you. I will be back with more.

Slow Down

Sometimes you just have to slow the pace of life down in order to figure out what is going on and what you really need to do. My life has been at a bit of a feverish pace lately and I don’t envision it slowing down for a while, but I still have to make time when I don’t go so fast. I still have to find time to read and relax in God’s word and prayer. Although there doesn’t seem to be enough time in a week day to slow down, I try to take more time when I can on the weekends. Our world has become so fast paced with everything flying by so quickly that by the end of the day it all becomes a blur.

My memories of being a child remind me that it wasn’t always this way for me. I had plenty of time to imagine and be creative back then. I had chores I had to do but I also had time. Time is what is missing and in our world going slow seems to be viewed as a waste of time. The older I get the more slowly I go. But I don’t think that is a totally bad thing, because slowing the pace a little helps keep me more focused and more thorough in what I do.

The Bible says to be slow to anger. That is good advise, because if we take our time and think our way through what is causing us to want to be angry, we can usually talk ourselves out of it and realize it is not the best for us or the other person. That is one thing slowing down can do for us. Aging will slow you down because your body demands a bit of a slower pace. Experience will slow you down because you will know what to expect and you won’t jump needlessly into a situation that you know won’t come out good.

Taking time to stop, look and listen to life can have a calming effect. When I look at pictures of deer from our game camera I feel more relaxed. I know that deer are constantly listening and looking for any danger, but they slow down and rest also. I think we could all learn something from them. I hope that this week you and I can all slow down a little and look around. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.

Friendly Deer Encounters

I feel it is a great honor to be allowed the opportunity to be a guardian of a small piece of this earth. Bob and I have been working off and on for the last three years to get our country property in a place were we can at least stay there on some weekends. Recently we have been able to camp out overnight and have started to become familiar with the deer that live on the property. There are two young bucks and a doe that spend most of their time on our property foraging for food.

It has been quite the experience to have them just come walking up and eating without being the least bit frightened of us. This past weekend we worked on the house most of the day and camped out in the back yard that night. As we were working we noticed the deer outside eating and just looking around. Carefully looking around they had decided that it was safe to keep eating. Even when we were talking and moving around outside they continued to eat and not really worry too much about us. We all ate supper together Saturday night. Bob and I cooked food on an open fire and the deer grazed in the field right across from us. And Sunday morning we all had breakfast in the same yard.

Sunday Bob and I had a rather tricky job to complete on the northern end of the property. We had to take down an old well house that needs to be replaced. Bob began working on it using the tractor to dismantle the concrete blocks and I went up to our storage container to complete another job. Of course the tractor grabbing concrete blocks makes a good amount of noise and low and behold two deer come running out of the woods and stood there looking toward the noise. One deer turns toward the noise and then quickly toward me. This happened a couple of times and I felt as if I was being asked if that noise was a threat. With as reassuring a voice as I could I told the deer it was ok and there was nothing to worry about. After a good minute or two both deer had moved on to a quieter area. That moment with the deer was the most interesting encounter I have ever had.

Some of the most memorable moments in my life are about unexpected encounters. Sometimes those encounters are with animals, sometimes with people and sometimes with God. I am thankful for each and every encounter that God has allowed me to have on this earth and look forward to more on this earth and in eternity.

I know today is Memorial day and I am thankful for all the men and women who have given their lives to insure the freedom we have to experience encounters with others. Enjoy your week and I will be back next week with more. .


This weekend was great. We got to camp out on our country property. Our tent has a screen at the top and so since there was good weather we did not put the cover over it and were able to look at the night sky. There were so many beautiful stars and constellations. It was awesome. The first night I fell asleep to the sound of crickets and other insects. I noticed later as I woke up I heard bird sounds. There was a slight breeze and the temperature was just right for camping. Part way through the night we needed extra covers, which we had. We enjoyed the first night so much we decided to stay a second night.

Now unfortunately the second night we had 25 mile an hour winds, it was a little more turbulent. The stars were just as awesome the second night, but contending with the wind and a tent was a little bit more of a challenge to sleep. We left our campsite for a little while to go visit with our neighbors. When we came back the winds had started and collapsed the back portion of the tent. No big deal we just put it back up and continued on with our night. This night was different we did not hear crickets and insects or birds, just wind. It was an interesting sound. You would hear the wind coming through the trees and just as the sound stopped the tent would sway from one side to another. When the tent swayed it would either hit me or the mattress on my side, which took some getting used to. But somehow I was still relaxed and managed to get some sleep.

I have found the wind to be fascinating at this property. Never in my life had I heard this build up of the sound of the wind and then just when it passes over you the sound is gone and its effect are felt. This morning as we were packing up our camp and getting ready to leave some deer friends showed up. They were not scared of any of our noises, they just wanted to eat some breakfast. I am amazed how close I was able to get and get pictures of this trio.

With a grateful heart I thank God for this wonderful weekend opportunity to be in a natural setting and enjoy this creation of His. I also want to wish every mother a Happy Mother’s Day. Enjoy your week and I will be back next week with more.