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Posts tagged ‘wren’


I always envisioned Bob and I would be the first ones to inhabit our house, but alas we might have a squatter. Male wrens usually build several nests for the female, and she gets to decide which one will be her nesting place. This male has built two nests, one has already been removed. Though I agree that my house will be a great place to live we are not finished with our construction. The wren does not require as much labor to build what will suit his mate, so he has finished well before us. Not sure is she is forever living there yet but I did see her fly away from it while we were in the house today. Sadly, since the location is inside our wall we will eventually have to serve an eviction notice. I wish the wren all the best in her nesting season.

Bob and I have spent a lot of this weekend doing things that are usually done by architects, figuring out where things go in order to build more walls. We have two plumbing walls up and have figured out the configuration of the walls that will be in the Master suite. We did a lot of thinking, measuring and some trial and error but finally got the positions figured out. We spent some time at Lowe’s looking at appliances figuring out sizes. We tried to purchase more 2×4’s there but the selection was not good. Plan B is now in operation for those.

I am finally understanding the astronomical number of decisions that must be made to make all of this work properly. Also, with every decision about the position and length of a wall you have to figure out how that affects rooms on both sides of the wall. Making a mistake can cause problems on both sides and then will take more time to fix. For us it is trial and error, but I think for this part of the house we have the walls figured out.

If building a house is this complex, I cannot even begin to imagine how God created the universe. As I look around and see the complexity of each living being and the planet and stars, I become overwhelmed with amazement. I feel so blessed to be a creation of the God of the universe. It is an honor and a privilege to be a tiny part of something so amazing. I know that I must do all I can to preserve and enjoy this planet that we live on.

I hope we call can take time this week to look at nature and see the Glory of God in creation. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.