Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Posts tagged ‘sleet’

Rain, Freezing Rain, Sleet, Snow or Fog

The weather has been a little challenging lately. We had some rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow over the course of the last two weeks. I had my first experience at working from home. I really loved the fact that I did not have to get out in the slick stuff, but I don’t think I want to make a career out of doing my job from home. There are too many distractions in my little house. Luckily I was pretty busy with work things for most of the time I worked from home. It made the time go by faster, but looking out the window at the birds and deer outside made me want to go outside and I could not do that. This past week I was able to go back to the office, it seems to be easier to focus at the office than at home.

On Thursday this week we had very heavy fog that lasted until around 10 am. Driving to work in the dark was a real challenge. I have never driven through that thick of fog before. I took it really slow making my way to the highway, but right toward the end of the road before the highway the fog was so thick it scared me to figure out how to get on the highway. Car headlights were very dim and could only be seen when they were fairly close. When I made it onto the highway the cars in front of me disappeared, their tail lights vanished into the fog. It was rough for a while and then the sun started rising in the distance and it looked like the moon usually does, just a white disc in the sky. With it’s light I could see a little more of the traffic. I was very happy to make it to work.

Friday morning there was no fog and I was ever so grateful for the visibility. It made me realize how much I took clear days for granted. The drive was normal and all the cars were easy to see. We had some fun looking at snow flurries through the morning and early afternoon. Sometimes our lives can get messy with a fogged up mind and weather-like obstacles in our paths making it dangerous to walk the walk. These weeks have shown me to appreciate the moments when life is clear and the storms have lifted and I can see what is ahead. It usually takes stepping back out of the fog and out of the storm to be able to have a clear mind and get refreshed.

I find the Word of God can renew my mind and soul and help me realize what is important and what is fog. Life always goes on, the real challenge is how we deal with it as it goes. Do we know when to stay at home because of the danger outside and when to step out into the storm and continue to move? Do we know how to navigate the foggy times and bring clarity? In my life there is only one way to do all this and that is with God’s help and direction. He will lead if we will follow. He will direct if we will move. He always loves and cares for us.

Just like a baby trusting their mother to take care of them, we should trust God’s direction. I hope that when you feel yourself in the fog or in the storm that you are able to stop and listen to His direction and find your way to where you need to be. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.