Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Posts tagged ‘house building’

More Walls and Critters

We are getting some more walls up this weekend. Bob had a busy week with a trip to Texas to pick up screens, two eye doctor appointments, meeting with some HVAC people and other miscellaneous things. So, Friday was the first time he was able to work on the house. On Saturday we managed to finish the guest bath walls. They still need some blocking, but they are up and attached to the trusses and floor. He is waiting for some information from HVAC before he can finish the final interior walls.

I spent a little time removing the birds’ nests that were erected in the house and not occupied by any birds. That was fun. Cleaning up jobsites has always been my specialty and Saturday I did all I could do in that respect. We are going to have to get the house empty of stuff once all the walls are in so we can have it treated for pests. There is a long way to go yet before we can move in, but every little step makes me happy.

We spent some time Sunday, before it got too hot, working in the yard. Bob dug up his potato plants since the deer ate all the leaves off and what he found was interesting. There were two very small potatoes, but he also found what we believe to be several snake eggs. He had seen a snake go into that pile of mulch a while back, so it didn’t totally surprise him.

It seems more deer are coming back into our area. There is one that has become rather friendly with our neighbor’s dog which we when we went out for a walk with Coco on Friday evening she allowed us to get real close before she went into the woods and watched us walk. I got her picture.

Wildlife, wildflowers, a diverse variety of plants and animals is why I love this area so much. The land is not perfect, but the nature that I get to live near is awesome. I am reminded of why we came here in the first place when I spend time outside enjoying nature. I hope that you will have time to spend in nature and enjoy every bit of God’s creation. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.

Out of the Mud

Life is always better when we have a solid foundation. I am so happy to say our new house now has a good solid foundation. All the soggy ground problems got solved by hours of workers taking buckets full of mud out and getting down to solid ground again. We have ample rebar in place and very solid pillars to hold the building up for many years to come. It is good to feel like we are making progress. In a little over a week the framing will begin and the work to get the building in the dry. Then Bob is really going to get busy with the inside.

After they started dumping all that soggy ground on the outside of the foundation it became very difficult to walk in that area. Bob told me that he got stuck over in that wet area and had to break the suction of the mud from his boots in order to move again. I had seen how mucky it was and did my best to avoid it. It was like quick sand. That is how life is sometimes. We get stuck in the muck of this world and have a real difficult time breaking free. If we panic and move too much we just sink deeper, but if we carefully break the mud’s hold on us we can get free. Sometimes it takes other people to come to our aid to help us out. But no matter the source of the muck and mud God is always there to help us.

Anytime in my life that I can remember being stuck, God has been my source for breaking free. Whether He sends someone to talk to me or pray for me He has been the one taking care of me. When I go to His word I always find a helpful scripture to guide and direct. But in times when things have me so bound up it might take Him sending me some help. Sometimes I have found myself being that help for others and not out of my own knowing. You never know when a smile or a kind word can help someone break the suction of the mud in their life and help them move forward again.

In this time of Thanksgiving maybe we should try to lift the people around us up with a good encouraging word or a prayer. After all we are all human and everyone needs some love and care. I hope that you will have a great Thanksgiving holiday and I will be back with more.