Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

The House is Growing, Slowly

The house is finally starting to look a little like a house. The process has been really slow, but we are hopeful that progress will be made to get it all in the dry by Christmas. When you have waited as long as we have to get this started it is easy to get impatient to see it at the next stage. I know this is a long process. Just like anything else our hope is that it will be worth the wait when it is done. I can finally see what the front will look like looking out the door and windows.

The trusses have started to be put in place, which makes it no longer look like a big box but more like it may someday be a house. We are both anxious to get it in the dry and begin the inside work. Hopefully all the rest of the trusses will be up and done in the next day or two.

I guess building a house is like building character in our lives, it takes time. We don’t become who we are in an instant it takes day after day, year after year of building our personal character and learning who we are in this life. We tend to want to rush that along in our children, but if we give them time they become who God intended them to be. Sometimes we get impatient with ourselves too, but we must remember that all good things are worth the wait.

So for now I am waiting for my house and learning a bit more about patience. I hope this Christmas season finds all of you healthy and ready to celebrate. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.

Comments on: "The House is Growing, Slowly" (2)

  1. Looking forward to seeing the next picture!

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