Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Rain Delay

Bob and I spent the Thursday night through Sunday morning with my sister. On Saturday my sister and I watched a homecoming parade online because she is recovering from foot surgery and the weather forecast was for rain and 40 degree temperatures. The rain for the parade was mostly drizzles. We were supposed to be able to watch my granddaughter march with the band but her school did not participate due to the threat of rain. So we worked a way to view the live stream on my sister’s TV. Then that evening the homecoming game was played with even more rain. It made for a slippery game, but our team won so it was great. Earlier in the afternoon we had watched parts of some other games and one was delayed because of rain and lightning, for the safety of the players.

Well, at home we had around 5 inches of rain since it started earlier in the week. Just like the football game that was delayed because of lightning, we find ourselves in a rain delay. We cannot pour concrete when there is standing water and wet ground. If we did pour now we could have a problem down the road with a sinking foundation, so we are on hold until the conditions make it safer to pour with good results.

We know that God knows what is best, but sometimes we struggle to figure it out in our minds. In this time of rain delay all I can really do is trust God and believe that he will direct our steps in this project. Praying, listening and obeying seem to be the best answer to any struggle. We make it through every struggle the same way by trusting and obeying.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB

I pray that you will make your way through all of your struggles and join me in praying, trusting and obeying what we hear. Enjoy your week and I will be back with more.

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