Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Problem Solver

I spend at least five days a week solving problems. Sometimes the problems require a lot of research to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. And when I am not sure how to solve the problem and I ask for help to figure it out. It usually helps to have someone else to bounce the problem off of to find a good solution. Most problems and/or mistakes are fixable, but sometimes the fix is difficult to figure out and messy to complete.

In everyday life I find myself asking for help from others to see something I have missed or am otherwise unaware of that can help solve the problem which I am pondering. Often I will stop and say a prayer to help calm my mind and relax a bit in order to figure it out. You see God knows that we all make mistakes and missteps and He is always there to listen to our cries for help. Now whether the problem I am solving is from a mistake or a glitch in a process, or something that is no longer viable in its current state, doesn’t matter, what matters is that a solution is found to make the future move more smoothly.

With any problem, big or small, I have found that spending time to say a short prayer for help has always made my problem solving better. Do I always get immediate results? No. A good example of that is with our property in the country. We have been trying to figure out where on the property to live and what to do with the dilapidated house that is there. After years of working on it we have finally figured it out and are moving forward. This problem has taken years to solve, but I believe it to be solved now and we are moving forward with a plan. Sometimes the solution will not come to me until the timing is right and a different perspective is seen. And that truly what has happened with this problem.

I truly believe this to be God’s providence. I believe that God guides those who love Him and follow His ways. I feel much comfort in knowing that there is Someone who sees all and knows all who can guide me.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;

I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

Psalm 32:8 NASB

Solving problems is part of the human process of growing and learning. I am sure that each and everyone of you have had problems to solve, big and little. Please remember that God is there with you through the big and little problems you have to solve and He can guide and direct you through those tough times. I know He has done it for me and my family and He can for you too, if you trust Him. Solving problems in this life prepares us for our eternity with God in the next life, so let’s take the challenges that come our way and use them to become a better follower of Christ. I hope you enjoy your week and I will be back next week with more.

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