Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Worry, Trust and God

These past three weeks have been a bit of a blur to me. Since I last wrote a blog I have been working through many things, including the loss of a sister-in-law. Though funeral services are usually very somber and sad events this one turned out to be a real celebration of her life. This service was unlike any I have ever attended. It is great to think that the short time we are on this earth can be remembered by our family and friends by looking back at all the good times, sharing stories and remembering what we loved about the person.

Of course since we are still in the midst of a pandemic, a lot of the attendees were virtual on a zoom call, but a limited number of us were able to attend in person. Imagine a service being held at a nature center in the midst of a place that was enjoyed regularly by my sister in law and her dogs. What an appropriate place to celebrate Lawana’s life on this earth. She will be missed by many because she was loved by many.

In the face of a death of someone younger than me, I begin to think more about what is important and what I want to change about my life to get the most out of this life before I go on to heaven. This life is temporary and sometimes way to short to waste time planning and working on things that don’t matter. I am still sorting through these thoughts but maybe that is something I should think about more often and not wait until a big event happens.

It also makes me think that some people are good at planning for the future in this life but the problem is that sometimes those plans are wiped out in an instant. When that happens we have to have something to fall back on. My back up plan for everything is God. I believe that God will get me through anything in this life. The real challenge is to not worry and trust God for help.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34 NIV

Worry tends to confuse our lives and add unnecessary stress on top of any stress we already experience daily. Worry is easy to engage when it feels like our plans have been destroyed. But every time this happens, after I stop and contemplate the situation, I find myself looking toward one scripture that keeps me going.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

    and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

    and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Trust is always the answer to worry. Putting our trust in God can give us the confidence to walk through any challenge of this life that causes stress. I pray that all of my readers are healthy and happy today, but if you are worrying about something that you can’t change, then try to spend some time in the Word and in prayer to get some answers. No matter how difficult this life gets there is always a way to get through it.

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Jeremiah 33:3 NIV

Enjoy your week and I will be back next week with more.

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