Inspiration, Christianity and My Life, Children

Archive for May 12, 2013


Mama and girlsMom, Mother, Mama or whatever endearing name you have for her. They all stand for the same special female:

  • Who gave birth to you or adopted you
  • Who cared for you when you were sick
  • Who cared for you when you rebelled
  • Who loved you no matter what you did
  • Who understood your pain and could make you feel better just by being close
  • Who corrected you when you messed up
  • Who stood up for you when you were treated wrongly
  • Who taught you how to stand up for what you believe in
  • Who could say your full name in such a way that made you tremble with fear
  • Who with one look could convey a book’s worth of meaning
  • Who knew everything you never told her
  • Who expected you to do your chores
  • Who never let you have a dull moment
  • And for some of us left this world all too soon.

IMG_1952The Slotted Spoon

I pulled a spoon out of my silverware drawer the other day. When I looked at it I remembered my mama.  For a while after I moved out of my parent’s home, out of habit I continued to help myself to anything I needed.  One day while cooking supper I realized that I did not have a slotted spoon. I knew where I could get one though. Next time I was at my parent’s house I took my mama’s slotted spoon. Mama mentioned one day that the spoon was missing. I told her I took it because I did not have one like it and I needed it. I remember her replying something about her not having one now. That didn’t seem to bother me at the time. I don’t remember her forcing the issue and telling me to bring the spoon back. Maybe I ignored it or maybe she just let it go. It did not click in my head to give it back. I just kept it. As I stared down at the spoon I finally realized that it was hers and I was wrong to just take it.

The problem is that I can’t tell her that I finally realized I was wrong. I know she managed without the spoon and really the spoon isn’t what matters. What I wanted to tell her was that I finally get it. I finally understand a little of what I put her through with many things I did, not just the spoon. Those things in my life that were tougher on her than they were on me. I get that now as a mom, but I didn’t get it when they were happening. I see my children raising my grandchildren and I understand a little more what my mama went though with me as I grew older. I respect her for what she endured.

Years ago my daughter and I figured out that if you turn MOM upside down it is WOW. So this mother’s day remember your mom is just a wow turned upside down. Enjoy your week.